Bloodwork in the time of COVID-19
My doctor ordered bloodwork almost a month ago. I had been putting it off because I am a next-level procrastinator and was admittedly a little leery given the pandemic. Ontario is now in “reopening” Stage 3. Not this bitch. I have been living that Stage 1, possibly Stage 2 life, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. (I don’t trust you people.) Anyhow, I am not afraid of needles or bloodletting, I find it kind of cool. It is the rest of the process that is annoying. Today I decided to just get off my ass and do it. Why am I writing about such a mundane thing? I am hoping, in a few years, that I can look back at this entry and roll my eyes.
I checked the “wait time” online for my clinic location and it was 144 minutes. Ooof. This location is usually a ghost town, which is the main reason I like it, other than its proximity to my house. I’m usually the only one there. Or the wait is less than 5 minutes, at most. The clinic website said that it may take longer due to their increased safety and sanitation procedures. Fair enough. I decided to wait a few hours and saw it approaching a 20 minute wait time during that sweet spot between the morning rush and the lunch rush. I “checked in” online and futzed around a bit before making my way to the clinic.
On my way to the clinic I got a text saying they were ready for me. I arrive and there is just one guy waiting outside the clinic with a mask on. There are signs all over the place. Wait outside. Wear a mask. We will come get you to screen you in. I waited about 5-10 minutes outside the clinic and then a clinic worker escorted me into the little vestibule between the double doors. She confirmed my health card info and took my requisition. She asked me the standard questions – Have I tested positive for COVID-19? Have I been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19? Got any of this list of 20+ symptoms? Etc. Nope. Ok, a squirt of hand sanitizer and on we go.
The waiting area had 10 chairs spread out around the room about 2 metres apart. It looked like we were going to play a really sad game of musical chairs. I took a seat and waited another 15 minutes before it was my turn. I could hear and see the staff cleaning everything after each patient. The blood work procedure was the same, just with a lot more PPE. The technician who took my blood said it had been super busy the past three weeks or so. I imagine it’s because everyone else is a bit of a dipshit like I am and has been putting stuff off. Anyhow, as with most things I put off, it wasn’t that bad. A second squirt of the old hand sanitizer and I was out of there.
So, it took about 25 minutes total. Like I said before, my average time for this location is generally 3-5 minutes or so? I know that in itself is unusual, but that’s my point of reference. The last time I had blood work done, mid-February, shit was just getting started. “Have you been to China in the past two weeks?” and “Do you have a fever?” was all that I was asked. Simpler times.
Covid-19 and X-rays, bloodwork, and psychiatrist visits
September 27, 2020 at 5:52 pm[…] Bloodwork in the time of COVID-19 is still the same, so refer to that post. […]